Emergency Callout

Emergency Callout

Maintenance Plan

A lack of preventative maintenance is often found to be the reason behind costly repairs. Our air conditioning maintenance service program will keep your system lasting longer, require fewer repairs, and keep your home comfortable for the years to come. We can set up a schedule to deliver and replace your filters regularly, keeping your system cooling at peak performance while minimizing foreseeable repairs. We offer a range of filters including anti-microbial Merv 10 rated filters which reduce common allergens in the air.

One of the main functions of air conditioning maintenance is for our technicians to spot any signs of disrepair in your cooling unit before it grows into a bigger emergency. Here are some of the signs of an air conditioning system that needs repair:

• Reduced Airflow
There are a number of potential causes for this, ranging from an easily replaceable clogged air filter to something more sinister such as a broken component.

• Low Cooling Output
Low cooling, or uneven temperatures, can be caused by damaged ductwork, or even by a refrigerant leak—which should be repaired ASAP to keep your system at peak performance.

• Short-Cycling
This is the process where an air conditioner rapidly turns on and off. Short-cycling is both a symptom of a problem, and a problem itself. Be sure to call our pros right away if you notice this sign.

• Odd Noises
No air conditioner is silent, but if the sounds yours makes goes beyond the normal humming of the fan or fluctuating of your ductwork, it’s time to give us a call.

• Higher Cooling Bills
It’s wise to keep an eye on your cooling bills. Are they more expensive than they were this time last year? If so, it’s a sign of inefficiency, which could mean you need air conditioning repair.

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